June 25-27, 2024 Georgia World Congress Center Atlanta, Georgia
SkillsUSA TECHSPO attendees discovered how you can equip your students with career ready robotics skills. Many explored STEM robotics solutions and got hands-on time with our PC-based offline programming tool. Contact one of our experts to hear how we’re working to help create career pathways for students.
With its compact size, the GP4 robot is well-suited for common component processing tasks like those performed in the electronics, confectionary and small parcel sortation industries.
Deliver industrial robotics training without a robot! This PC-based, virtual classroom environment offers an affordable way to bring real-world robotics into an educational setting.
Created for educational institutions looking to develop or enhance robotics certification courses, this training is useful for K-12 and career tech students, and college undergraduates.
MotoSim EG-VRC This comprehensive educational software package enables easy offline robot programming (OLP) and virtual 3D simulation of industrial workcells in a safe, virtual environment.
Thank you to our education partner at the show.
Intelitek Booth #817