3D Shift
Takes an original position and compares it to a new position and finds and shifts in 3D. Much like relative job but uses pulse count positional data. Uses INVMAT and MULMAT along with SFTON3D and SFTOF3D INFORM instructions. Executes a shift command which modifies a programmed position in 3D space.
3D shift uses pulse count positional data instead of cartesian TCP data. This will help with rotation and arm posture. Provides complete 6DOF shifting instead of traditional parallel shifting.
Analog Output
As the speed of the manipulator fluctuates, the value of an analog signal is instantly changed to reflect this change in speed. This is useful for applications where the output of the process (ie. painting, dispensing, MIG welding) is dependent on robot travel speed. The ARATION instruction is used to set the relationship between the robot's operating speed to the analog voltage. The ARATIOF instruction fixes the analog voltage to the last measured value, so the analog voltage no longer changes if robot operating speed is changed.
Teaching effort is reduced Output possibilities: Analog (additional analog output extension board required) and/or digital 16-bit signal. By using a filter process, the output signal can be close to the manipulator’s actual speed
Automatic Backup
The system data can be collectively backed up so that the data can be immediately loaded and the system restored in case of an unexpected error. This function saves the internally stored data in advance for the smooth restoration from unexpected problems. Backups can be stored on a memory card of the programming pendant or internal memory area (accessible through high-speed Eserver). Available as cycle backup, backup when switching modes, backup on controller start-up, and backup when inputting specified signals.
System data backed up in a single file. Designed for unexpected error recovery.
Edit Job during Play
Allows the operator to create new or edit existing jobs and conditions files while the robot is running. All job logic and conditions except robot motion can be edited during playback. Any job can be edited during playback, but modifications can only be finalized on jobs not actively being used by the controller.
Reduces downtime for maintenance. Conditions can be changed without stopping production.
External Reference Point
Enables teaching and playback, utilizing one external reference point in space as the control point for the manipulator. Specifically, the point is used in cases where stationary glue dispensers are used in spot welding with a stationary tool is performed. During playback, interpolation is performed by controlling the relative speed and relative position between the external reference point and the workpiece.
Improves quality, even for work pieces supporting work with a fixed tool (part to process); reduces programming time; use for up to 63 tools with their own reference point.
Form Cutting
Operates the robot in the specified 2D shape by executing one dedicated instruction (FORMCUT/CUT instruction) according to the condition set in the form cut setting file. This function can be used for cutting the workpiece to a 2D shape using a laser cutter or other cutter tool. Supports circles, rectangle, ellipse, pentagon, hexagon.
Improves path accuracy and reduces teaching time.
High-Speed Search
Allows robot to adapt to changing part locations and deviations. Allows for faster search speeds when compared to the normal search function. Controller utilizes the motor breaks to stop the manipulator faster than the normal search function.
Improves weld quality and consistency. Find multiple types of objects faster than the normal search function. Improves cycle time.
Interface Panel (IF Panel)
A virtual operation panel that can be set and viewed on the programming pendant. Allows viewing and interacting with IO, and up to 10 panels can be created. Supported components include circle indicators and push buttons, square indicators and push buttons, selector switches, counters and preset counters.
HMI-type display and control without the expense and expertise required. No additional hardware required.
Job Interrupt
Call job that uses a signal from a peripheral device or another system, to momentarily suspend the job in progress and execute the interrupt job corresponding to the signal. Useful when an error occurs in a peripheral device or in another system, or when the manipulator should be withdrawn in an emergency. Interruptions are possible during move instructions as well as timer instructions.
Reduce cycle times or increase safety when other devices are being used in conjunction with the manipulator.
Macro Job
Used to create, register, and execute a single instruction which contains multiple lines of INFORM commands. An argument tag is used to pass specific data into the macro and can be edited in the detail edit screen, similar to other commands.
Create customized functions and routines from INFORM commands.
Macro Job - 16 char names
Allows the use of up to 16 characters when creating and loading macro jobs.
More freedom to name macro jobs. Needs to be enabled to load most standard Motoman Macro Jobs.
Macro Job (64 robot)
Enables up to 64 macro jobs to be registered instead of 32
Increased amount of macro jobs. Should be turned on when macro jobs are used as we have a standard macro.dat file for up to 4 robots.
Multiple Tool Path
Enables the tool to be moved along the track that was taught using another tool. When moving multiple tools along the same track, only one path is required to be taught. Precise tracking of both tools.
Reduce programming time for when multiple tools are being used.
No Stop Search
Allows the manipulator to locate objects using a non-contact sensor while in motion without stopping the manipulator.
More accurate results than normal search. However, applying this type of search is limited to the application.
Pause Weaving \ Hover Weave
The standard configuration of a robot program when using weaving motion requires the start and end locations or any adjacent positions to be taught at different locations relative to each other. Those robot locations are created by either moving the manipulator or by moving a coordinated external axis/positioner. For those applications where either (1) robot positions must be the same or (2) there is no coordinated positioner, hover weave must be used.
Use weaving function for processes where the robot itself is not performing the weave or other movement. Works also with Comarc sensor.
Power Save
When the robot is waiting for an input or parts to perform its task the controller can turn off the servos which saves power. Once the input is received the servos are automatically engaged and the robot will perform the task.
Power savings for applications that have long idle time.
Relative Job Shift
Create user coordinate system by changing definition points.
Enables repositioning of workpieces and use of vision.
Robot Monitoring Function
Set thresholds on torque value, external force value and axis speed. Can use this function to implement other jobs when torque value exceeds the threshold.
Trigger a job or event when a torque threshold is met or exceeded.
Structured Programming
Enables logic using structured language. IFTHEN, ELSEIF, ELSE, WHILE
Enables you to perform logic in a robot job in an easy to understand way.