Pack Ex Canada 2023 Post Show
Pack Ex Toronto

During PACK EX 2023, our experts highlighted collaborative and industrial robots for material handling applications, easy-to-use palletizing software and technologies for easy robot programming. To learn more about Yaskawa’s readily available, smart robotic solutions, contact one of our automation experts.

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Yaskawa Pack Ex Booth
Yaskawa Pack Ex Booth
Yaskawa Pack Ex Booth
Featured Applications
Palletizing Robot Automation

Robotic Palletizing

Yaskawa offers a wide selection of robots and cobots that tackle simple to complex palletizing tasks with easy-to-integrate vision, software and tooling.

Yaskawa Smart Pendant and Robot

Intuitive Programming

Touchscreen pendant offers 3D visual guidance and helper tools that let operators initiate complex robot commands without needing to learn the language.

Product Highlights

GP7 Robot

Compact, fast and precise, the GP7 robot is designed for high-volume assembly, packaging and handling applications. This model is easy to install and has a 7 kg payload capacity.

Robot specs ›
HC10DTP Cobot

HC10DTP Cobot

The HC10DTP cobot provides enhanced worker safety, optimized production rates and fast system integration. A portable workstation is available for easy robot redeployment.

Learn more ›

PalletSolver Software

Streamline your palletizing process with PalletSolver®. This easy-to-use software allows users to quickly create ideal pallet patterns offline for virtually any combination of SKUs. 

Download + training ›

Thank you for featuring Yaskawa products at the show.