News / October 2023 / Integrated Foil Sealer Option Expands AutoSorter 1200 Functionality

Dayton, OH (October 2023) — Addressing multiple challenges for clinical laboratory environments, the extremely flexible AutoSorter 1200 with integrated foil sealer option is ideal for labs needing to automate their sorting and sealing processes at a high rate with minimal footprint.
The standard for robust, accurate specimen sorting in high-throughput commercial or reference laboratories, the AutoSorter 1200 is Yaskawa’s high-speed sorting instrument for pre- and post-analytic specimen processing that can process up to 1,200 tubes per hour. A well-established laboratory automation solution for clinical diagnostics, drug discovery and research purposes, the AutoSorter’s large sort deck area yields extended walkaway times and expanded deck configuration options, while its reduced footprint saves precious lab floorspace.
Reliable and safe, AutoSorter 1200 provides improved processing accuracy, specimen traceability and relieves laboratory staff of repetitive tasks and exposure to infection. A wide variety of specimen container configurations and instrument racks are permitted. AutoSorter 1200 may be used as a standalone workcell for “task-targeted” specimen processing (AutoSorter 1200S), or it may be connected to a track system (AutoSorter 1200T) as part of an integrated pre- or post-analytic specimen processing system. Highly flexible, the workcell may be positioned against a wall or next to other instruments, as all maintenance access is from the front of the instrument.
One of several options, the selective foil sealer is ideal for archiving tubes with inline, real-time sealing and crimping of foil seals to the top of plastic tubes. Integrated into the AutoSorter 1200 with no impact on the overall instrument footprint, this space-saving feature can seal tubes with a throughput of approximately 400 tubes per hour (with open tubes in racks in and sealed tubes in racks out). A wide range of plastic tubes, ranging in diameter from 12 mm to 17 mm and heights from 65 mm to 120 mm are accommodated—with the standard roll of capping foil yielding approximately 20,000 tube seals. A decapper option is also available.
With over 100 years in robotics and automation, including over 20 years of experience in the clinical diagnostics laboratory, each multi-function instrument in the AutoSorter product line (AutoSorter 1200, AutoSorter 2000 and AutoSorter XN) can be customized to meet unique specimen requirements. Other standalone workcells for task-specific processes are also available, with capabilities including: sorting, aliquoting, decapping/recapping, thawing/mixing, centrifugation, and archive storage and retrieval.


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